Lesser-Known Types of Depression That a Psychiatrist Could Diagnose You With

Depression is a broad description that covers a multitude of disorders typically characterised by a lack of interest in one's daily schedule, a persistent feeling of sullenness or sadness and so on. But while you may be familiar with terms such as manic depressive, bipolar disorder and more, you should know that other less-known conditions fall under depression — yet not many people are aware they are at risk of it. As you go see a psychiatrist, consider the following lesser-known types of depression that this mental health professional could diagnose you with. 

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Clinically abbreviated to SAD, this type of depression causes one to be greatly affected by a drastic drop in temperatures. Once the cold season sets in and there are fewer hours of sunlight, one may start to feel apathetic, lethargic, gloomy and so on. Take note, this is not the same as experiencing winter blues. Instead, the seasonal affective disorder can cause one to lose their ability to take charge of their day-to-day obligations, isolating themselves from family members and friends, having a negative perception of self and more. A psychiatrist will take a comprehensive evaluation of your mental health and they can prescribe medications to help uplift your mood until the season passes.

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

Menstrual cycles are typically associated with a change in hormones but what you may be unaware of is that severe hormonal imbalance can lead to depression in the form of premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Commonly abbreviated to PMDD, the disorder is vastly different from PMS. While PMS is usually associated with mood swings and cravings, PMDD is characterised by feeling low leading up to menstruation and during your menses as well. Not only do the negative emotions interfere with daily functioning but they can be accompanied by symptoms such as chronic headaches, painful cramping, muscular pain, joint pain, panic attacks, irrational anger and more. It is vital to see a psychiatrist so that they can manage your symptoms and prevent them from worsening.

Postpartum depression

Also referred to as postnatal depression, this mental disorder affects women once they have given birth and can last for several years if not treated by a professional. The main cause of this condition is the drastic change in hormones that a mother experiences. Considering that pregnancy will lead to severe hormonal changes, it is only natural that the hormonal fluctuations that occur once she gives birth can have a significant effect on her mental health. When this condition is compounded by sleep deprivation and postpartum pain, one can easily start to battle depression. Seeing a psychiatrist is imperative so that you do not harm yourself or your newborn. Contact a psychiatrist for more information. 
